Workshop Policies and Procedures
The Crystal Coast Quilters’ Guild (CCQG) offers several workshops each year addressing a broad range of skill levels and techniques. Registration fees are set with the intent to pay the facility and instructor’s required costs and offer the highest level of instruction at the lowest possible cost to its participants.
Workshop Policies:
CCQG members will have the first opportunity to register for a workshop.
If the workshop does not fill up with Guild member registrations by a predetermined date the workshop will be open to non-Guild members at a higher rate.
The price of the workshop is dependent on the level of expenses incurred by the CCQG.
Due to facility constraints, workshops are limited to 20 paid registrants.
In the event there are more paid registrants than the class slots allow, a waiting list will be created.
If a registered participant elects to withdraw from a workshop, refunds will be issued on the following bases:
o Full refund if another person on the waiting list can fill the space
o Full refund if cancelation occurs prior to one month before the date of the workshop
o One-half (1/2) refund if cancelation occurs within one month of the workshop
o No refund if cancelation occurs within two weeks of the workshop
o No refund if No-Show occurs on the day of the workshop.
If a workshop does not fill as needed to cover the Guild’s and Instructor’s expenses, the workshop may be cancelled.
Workshops are held on the third Saturday of the month or dependent on the schedule of the invited instructor.
Workshops are held at Fort Benjamin Recreation Center, 100 McQueen, Newport, NC or other appropriate venue from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
CCQG will provide cutting and pressing stations, dependent upon space.
CCQG may provide coffee, water and possibly light refreshments at the workshop.
Workshop Registration Policies:
The minimum cost for workshops for CCQG members is $20.00; for non-members the minimum cost is $30.00. (The price may be higher, commensurate with the actual costs of the workshop.)
Payment must be made at the time of sign-up to reserve a space.
Guild members may register for a workshop as soon as it is announced.
Registration is open to non-members one month prior to the date of the workshop, at a higher rate.
Registration is closed one week prior to the date of the workshop.
Registration and payment can be made:
o In person at weekly Drop-In meetings or the monthly Guild meetings
o Mailed to: Crystal Coast Quilters’ Guild, P. O. Box 1819, Morehead City, N. C. 28557
o Online at the CCQG website at crystalcoastquiltersguild.org.
Checks are made payable to Crystal Coast Quilters’ Guild.
All images and text are copyright by Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild or individual members. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission. | Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 1819 Morehead City, NC 28557 |