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crystal Coast QUilters' guild

Exploring creativity through quilting

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  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Happy July 4th, aka, Independence Day and Happy Birthday to US, Crystal Coast Quilters Guild, 40 years and still going strong. Hoping everyone can get out and celebrate both events this month. Can't believe half of 2024 is already in the history books. How many quilts and projects have you started and finished? It's not too early to begin thinking about Christmas quilted gifts for friends and family, which includes our Secret Santa bags due at the August meeting. Time to get those creative juices flowing.

    See you on the 18th at the Crystal Coast Country Club for our birthday luncheon. Wear something RED.

    Until then. . . Keep Stitchin,


  • Sunday, June 02, 2024 10:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Hello June. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend, the weather was wonderful and I'm sure our beaches were crowded.

    June brings the end of another school year, graduations, Father's Day, and our guild silent auction. A chance to pursue our quilting stash and remove any no longer wanted notions, fabric, patterns, books, thread, magazines, etc. and bring them to the monthly meeting so another guild member can claim them for their projects.

    June also provides us with the opportunity to wear PURPLE to the meeting. Why purple? Who knows, it's just a color in the box. See you on the 20th.

    Keep Stitchin’,


  • Thursday, May 02, 2024 9:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Exciting things are happening in our guild. New members joining our little guild just about every month, interesting workshops now and in the future, quilt exhibit in the library, 40th Birthday in July, and that's just this summer. Stay turn for fall.

    May brings Mother's Day and Memorial Day. Hope you celebrate both in your own unique way.

    See you on May 16 and don't forget to wear a flower in your hair, on your blouse, on your shoe, you get the idea.

    Keep Stitchin,


  • Monday, April 01, 2024 10:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we march on to April, we end March with our Day of Sharing as a Hugh success! Many thanks to Cindy and her amazing committee. If you are interested in being a part of our 2026 committee let Cindy know, there is always room for more hands to share in the excitement.

    April Showers bring May Flowers. Hence the color Gray for April, cloudy rainy days. However, hopefully Saturday April 13 will be sunny with light winds for the BHA Publick Day at the historical site on Turner Street. We will be selling Raffle tickets from 9 am to 4 pm and I will be there at 8 am to set up. Anyone wishing to assist just show up any time during the day.

    Our next monthly meeting is April 18. Hope to see you there.

    Keep Stitchin,


  • Wednesday, February 28, 2024 9:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Spring!

    Blue Birds and Redwing Black birds have been spotted at our feeders along with daffodils blooming in the yard.

    Daylight Savings Time is next weekend, so don't forget to Spring Forward! You don't want to miss: St. Pappy's Day Festival on Emerald Isle on March 16 to assist with Raffle Tickets Sales, National Quilt Day March 17 where we will gift the first baby boy and girl born in Carteret County a quilt made by our guild members, our guild meeting on March 21 (wear something Green) and our Day of Sharing on Saturday March 23 with a fun and exciting theme of Bee our Guest. If you haven't started your Challenge Bee quilt yet, better get that sewing machine buzzzzzzing! And let's not forget Palm Sunday, and Easter falls on March 31. Wow, March is full, don't miss out.

    Keep Stitchin,


  • Thursday, February 01, 2024 3:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Welcome to our 4 new members who joined at our January meeting, delighted to have y'all on board.

    Well, can you believe January 2024 is already in the history books? And the History of our guild is what 2024 is all about.

    Yes ladies, we will be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Crystal Coast Quilters’ Guild each month. Cathy and her committee have lots of fun, knowledge and surprises in store for us from our humble beginnings to today.

    Have you started on your challenge piece for our Day of Sharing in March, BEE Our Guest? If not, best get to sewing, it will be here before we can say Bzzzzzzzzz. If you need information on the challenge contact Cindy Moeller.

    We still need a lead volunteer for selling raffle tickets at the St. Patty's Day Festival in Emerald Isle on March 16th. Please contact me ASAP if you wish to serve our guild in this profitable endeavor.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at our February meeting on the 15th. Social starts at 5:30, doors open at 5. Don't forget to wear something RED and Happy Valentine's Day.

    Until we meet again, Keep Stitchin,


  • Sunday, December 31, 2023 4:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    As we say goodbye to 2023, I would like to extend a very big Thank You to Jeanne and her holiday crew for the exceptional Christmas Party we had on Dec 8th. Lots of fun for everyone, and all the blocks in the Christmas Block exchange were beautiful!

    Happy New Year 2024 – new ideas, new projects, and new fabric and thread; what every quilter dreams of!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and is looking forward to making this year even better. We currently have a lot happening in 2024 for our guild: Day of Sharing in March, 40th Birthday Party in July, Workshops with national instructors and a Birthday Surprise each month.

    Mark your calendar and please plan to attend our monthly meeting on January 18, 2024. Let’s kick the New Year off with lots of members in attendance.

    Until then – Keep Stitchin’


  • Wednesday, November 29, 2023 6:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To All Guild Members:

    I am hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

    I am very thankful for the super group of creative and friendly guild members and my Executive Board members in our Crystal Coast Quilters’ Guild. You have given me your support during my 6 months of being the guild president, and I really appreciated it.

    Congratulations to Nancy Smith, who will become the guild President for 2024 & 2025 and Sharon Ward the Treasurer for 2024 & 2025. The installation ceremony was enjoyed by all.

    Look forward to some great workshops in 2024 including three teachers from outside our guild and our 40th Anniversary events all year.

    See you at the Holiday Party at King Mackerels in Morehead City, Thursday, December 7th. Remember to make your 12 -1/2’’ Christmas Block in Red, Green and Cream to exchange. The 2024 Scholarship winners will be announced.

    Keep Stitching,


  • Monday, October 30, 2023 5:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I want to thank Jeanne, our Vice-President, for conducting the October Guild meeting in my absence.

    After the official voting at the meeting, the CCQG Constitution has been ratified. We will continue to need the 2/3 membership vote number to make changes to the Constitution and the By Laws. We will be able to vote on other items with the amendment made to the Policies and Procedures due to adding “Voting may be done by electronic means, paper ballot, show of hands or other means as determined by the Executive Board”. Those changes took effect immediately after the vote.

    Congratulations to Lisa Rechkemmer, who will become the guild President for 2024 & 2025 and Sharon Ward the Treasurer for 2024 & 2025. You will both do a great job.

    Gail Reitz of Jacksonville, NC had the winning ticket for our 2023 Raffle Quilt. She was very happy winner.

    The committee is finishing work on the 2024 Raffle Quilt.

    Don’t forget the Christmas Party at King Mackerel in Morehead City. Remember to make your 12- 1/2” Christmas Block in Red, Green and Cream to exchange. Let’s get lots of entries this year. I still haven’t made mine yet, but I will.

    I’ll see all who registered for the “Make & Take” workshop on November 4 at the Western Carteret Library. I am looking forward to it.

    Our next monthly business meeting will be Thursday, November 16th, 5:30-6:00 for social time and the business meeting at 6:00 pm. Bring a friend who is interested in quilting. See you then.

    Keep Stitching,


  • Thursday, September 28, 2023 10:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Guild Members:

    Thank you all for returning so many of the ballots to Ratify the Constitution and add to the By-Laws. We are still missing some ballots to reach our 2/3 membership majority vote. Please return your ballot by October 10. Any Guild member who has not completed a paper ballot can vote at the October meeting.

    Our thanks to the Nominating Committee for their work on the Slate of Officers for the President and the Treasurer for 2024-2026. The ballot will be presented for a vote at the October monthly meeting and we will also accept nominations from the floor at that time. Please come to the meeting and vote.

    We will continue to sell Raffle tickets at two more events and the WINNER will be drawn at the October monthly meeting. The winner will be called during the meeting! It is so beautiful, and I can’t wait to hear who wins the quilt.

    Remember the Hero Quilt Workshop will be Saturday, Oct. 21st; sign up and join us.

    The “Make & Take Workshop” with Bonnie Sturdevant and Patti Marraro that was cancelled has been rescheduled to November 4. Look for a notification from Wild Apricot. Looking forward to seeing you all then.

    The “Mystery Block” bags were given out, and we look forward to seeing the blocks next month.

    Nan Miller will present more information regarding the new partnership with the Carteret County Library to create a quilt that was voted on and approved at our September meeting.

    Remember to make a “Christmas Block”- a 12&1/2” block in Red, Green and Cream. These will be exchanged at the Holiday Party. Let’s have lots of entries this year.

    Our October monthly meeting is Thursday, October 19th at 5:30. Remember to come early for the social time from 5:30-6:00.

    Keep Stitching, 

    Joyce Dimock 

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All images and text are copyright by Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild or individual members.  Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission.

Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 1819

Morehead City, NC 28557

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