As we say goodbye to 2023, I would like to extend a very big Thank You to Jeanne and her holiday crew for the exceptional Christmas Party we had on Dec 8th. Lots of fun for everyone, and all the blocks in the Christmas Block exchange were beautiful!
Happy New Year 2024 – new ideas, new projects, and new fabric and thread; what every quilter dreams of!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and is looking forward to making this year even better. We currently have a lot happening in 2024 for our guild: Day of Sharing in March, 40th Birthday Party in July, Workshops with national instructors and a Birthday Surprise each month.
Mark your calendar and please plan to attend our monthly meeting on January 18, 2024. Let’s kick the New Year off with lots of members in attendance.
Until then – Keep Stitchin’