Dear Guild Members,
By the time you read this, I will have probably finished the quilting on the 2023 Raffle Quilt. Yea! And, just in time, because there are four events coming up where we will have the opportunity to sell tickets for the quilt. The first is Saturday, March 11th at the Emerald Isle St. Patrick’s Day Festival from 9:00-6:00. If you’re available to help sell tickets that day, please contact me in order to sign up for a time slot. The second event is the Artisans’ Affair in Havelock on Saturday, March 18th. This will be the first time we’ve done that event. Thank you to the ladies who volunteered to work the booth for that. The next event is the Quilters by the Sea Day of Sharing in Wilmington on Saturday, March 25th. If anyone is planning on attending and would be willing to sell tickets, please let me know. They are requesting RSVP’s by March 10th. The last event is Beaufort’s Publick Day on Saturday, April 15th. Please contact Nancy Smith, if you’re able to help at that event. It’s great to have several events that give us the opportunity to showcase our quilt! Thanks again, to Susan Foster for generously donating the quilt top!
For those of you who missed the last meeting, Jan Willis brought a quilt top that Paula Johnson had asked her to share, suggesting we use it for our 2025 Raffle Quilt. The top was made by Polly Scott and needs a little work on it in order to make it a queen-sized quilt. If you might be interested in working on that project, please let Jan or me know. Thank you!
As mentioned in my recent email, we will soon be conducting a vote to decide whether to keep the guild’s scholarship program. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Thank you.
Don’t forget to stop by the Sacred Threads Art Quilt Exhibit at the Core Sound Community Outreach Center at 806 Arendell Street in Morehead City. Thank you, Nan Miller, for helping to secure this exhibit for our enjoyment!
Keep Stitching everyone!